Saturday 19 April 2014

Basil 'pesto'

For me, I always find the best recipes come out of siuations of extreme hunger and desperation to get anything, prefrably edible, down you're throat. This was definatly one of those recipies. I want to alter it slightly/ experiment with adding some nuts - gotta get our heslthy fats in somewhere! - but wanted to get it up for you all asap so this is the basic recipie i used! 


Large handful of Fresh basil leaves
15ml Juice from an orange 
1 tbsp of Fat free quark 
(May need slightly more/ less of each ingrediance depending on quantatie) 


Simply cut you're orange in two and squeeze out the juice. Take some basil leaves and put them in a coffee grinder/blender along with the orange juice. Blend until you're basil has broken down and orange has combined with it to make a 'pesto' like consistency. Move thr mixture to a larger bowl and mix in the quark until you get a smooth cocnsistency. Season with back pepper and voila! Clean Basil Pesto! 

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