Sunday 20 April 2014

Carrot and Squash Spiced Soup

I think it's fair to say that nothing, just nothing can beat a bowl of home made soup. Not to mention how incredibly in love i am with butternut squash; So when you combine the two - heaven!


200g carrots
400g Butternut squash
Median sized onion
Low salt stock cube
Fresh ginger

Chop up your onion, carrots and butternut. Peel a small section of your ginger and grate it. Add your onion and ginger to your pan with a cooking medium. (I use '1 cal' spray but you can sub olive/ coconut oil) Once your onions are starting to brown add your butternut squash, let this cook for a while to let the flavours out then add your carrots. Mix your stock cube into 500mls of hot water and add to the pan. Place a lid on and leave you're veggies to cook through.
Once veggies have softened, season your soup / add any extra spices you want. If there is too much water, cook for a while longer until this has evaporated - you need some to be left but not too much or your soup will be too watery.
Blend till smooth using a blender and serve!


Saturday 19 April 2014

Basil 'pesto'

For me, I always find the best recipes come out of siuations of extreme hunger and desperation to get anything, prefrably edible, down you're throat. This was definatly one of those recipies. I want to alter it slightly/ experiment with adding some nuts - gotta get our heslthy fats in somewhere! - but wanted to get it up for you all asap so this is the basic recipie i used! 


Large handful of Fresh basil leaves
15ml Juice from an orange 
1 tbsp of Fat free quark 
(May need slightly more/ less of each ingrediance depending on quantatie) 


Simply cut you're orange in two and squeeze out the juice. Take some basil leaves and put them in a coffee grinder/blender along with the orange juice. Blend until you're basil has broken down and orange has combined with it to make a 'pesto' like consistency. Move thr mixture to a larger bowl and mix in the quark until you get a smooth cocnsistency. Season with back pepper and voila! Clean Basil Pesto! 

Sunday 6 April 2014

Basic fluffy oatmeal

When i first came across oatmeal i used to spend ages dressing it up and mixing in berries and cinnamon and carrots! But quite honestly these simple but thick and creamy oats have completely converted me! 


40-50g (or as many as you like! I mean who can resist an overflowing bowl of oats!?) mixed grain jumbo oats (jumbo porridge oats, few grains of quiona, chia & flax seed, pumpkin & sunflower seed, buckwheat flakes..basically any grain you like! I mix a big batch up, then keep it in a sealed bag like regular oats) 

225ml of water (sub almond milk if you prefer you're oats milky) 

1 whisked egg white 

Just simply add water to oats and then cook on the stove/microwave for around two minuets untill majority of water is absorbed. 
Whilst your oats are cooking whisk your egg white then mix this in with your oats. Cook for a further minuet or until you get the right consistency ( you may need to add more water with your egg white if all the water has been absorb) 
Let it stand for about a minuet to thicken up and top with whatever you fancy! 


Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Famous Mug Cake

So i've finally got round to writing down for you all my famous mug cake recipe! (Well, not quite famous but you know! ) I've been in love with these little cakes ever since i discovered the idea a few months back - the best part is they're 100% clean and healthy! I've devised a few different variations (including a vegan friendly one!) but this is the one i most often use.

Buckwheat flour 30 -35g 
1 egg white
30g of yourt (you can use flavoured yogurt if you want a partiular flavour or just use natural and add berries or spices such as cinnamon/gingre) 
5g /1tsp of maple syrup or honey (can sub agave syrup) 
Small amount of banana mashed
1/2 tsp of baking soda

Simply add the baking soda and any spices to to the flour and mix. Add yogurt, syrup and mix again. Beat the egg white untill frothey and then add that too before mashing the banana and adding that tothe  mixture. Mix untill you have a smooth consistency then pour mixture into a mug or a small bowl. 

Pop it into the microwave for around 1- 1.5 minuets untill it is firm and rises up again when you press the top with your finger. 

Use a nife to go round the rim of the mug - to loosen it - then just turn upside down and it will (fingers crossed) just fall out! Top with what ever you fancy ( my faviourite is vanillia protien icing) and there you have it!    



Sunday 23 March 2014

Clean Buckwheat Greek Yogurt Pancakes

Believe it or not, until a few months ago I'd never tried pancakes as being from a half fench family it's been crepes all the way! But after discovering these, I can safely say, i am never going back! 

35g buckwheat flour 
100g Greek yogurt 
1 egg white 
1/4 tsp of baking soda 
1 tsp of maple syrup (or agave) 

Weigh out the flour, add the baking soda and then mix in the yogurt. Beat the egg white until frothy then mix that in to. Add the maple syrup and leave the mixture to sit for a while.

To cook them you need to non stick pan - I use 1cal spray for mine, but you could also use coconut oil - just put a few sprays on the bottom of the pan, place a tablespoon of mixture, spread it into a circular shape with a teaspon and turn on
a low heat. (The low heat gives the fluffiest texture) flip after around two minuets, or once you see air bubbles coming up. Repeat until you have your yummy, clean, buckwheat pancake stack! 

Saturday 22 March 2014

And we're away!

I won't lie and say that the more than little delay in me creating this blog is down to my having an incredibly hetic, and non stop life beacuse we all know that that isn't true! But after fighting my laptop for a couple of weeks i have finally managed to work out ( just about) how to make something that's just about recognisable as a blog! So, so far I've learnt that I'm definatly not the most tecnical genius the world's ever seen😏 But i will ( fingers crossed) finally be posting my recipies and anything else you all request! ☺️ 

Much love, Erika ( or freefrier, or anything else i can't even keep track of all my names.πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ)